Large Water Supply Project
The Village of Kiryas Joel, NY needed water for their growing community and fast. They were trucking in water to meet demand
Their consulting Engineer started designing the project, then thought that pre-packaged units might help their situation. We helped with the concept and design and then won the bid. Two double-decker booster stations and one water treatment building were constructed and shipped to the site. Concept-Design-Engineering-Construction-Shipping-Installation-Start-up were all critical with pre-planning and implementation. All parties were on the same page and worked together very well as a team to meet the end goals. We believe these are the largest pre-packaged water booster stations to be installed in the NY Metropolitan area. A successful project by any measure. – Kiryas Joel, NY
““It was a pleasure to work with the Usemco Team starting with the shop drawing phase, coordinating a complex delivery and through the installation of the three premanufactured units. We were impressed at our visit to their manufacturing facility at the organization, planning and resources available for prefabricated stations. Their startup team was professional and expeditious in getting the units operational and making fine adjustments for each application while following our project schedule.”