Low to High Flows Automatically – Turn Key
Washington Borough experiences an excessive amount of infiltration during rain events. An undersized wet well, and pumps within the existing pumping station could not handle the high flows during rain these events. The owner requested an increase in capacity without installing a larger wet well. However, the existing station was utilizing an existing 8-inch line with a 3-inch PVC forcemain within it.
CP Engineers teamed with Reiner Pump Systems and USEMCO to design a pump station to handle the average daily flows and the high infiltration flow during rain events. The above grade, wet well mounted PumpMate incorporates automatic actuated discharge valves. The stations dry weather flows are normally pumped through a 6-inch forcemain, The automatic controls and actuated valves provide the ability to also utilize the 8-inch forcemain for the high flow scenario and to facilitate cleaning and inspection of the 6-inch forcemain.
As influent flow increase, during rain events, and flow increase above the capacity of the 6-inch forcemain, the automatic actuated valves reposition to utilize both the six-inch and the 8-inch forcemains, reducing the head loss and increasing the flow rate. The Station was also equipped with a Muffin Monster (grinder), which because of the shallow inlet, had the motor mounted above the top of the manhole. This caused interference with the standard PumpMate enclosure which are provided with dual access doors, these were replaced at the factory with a roll up door.
“Hello Chris. Just wanted to tell you that the Station worked great during the last two storms, NO ALARMS!!! Client has been very happy with the Station Improvements.” Our comment: “Good things happen when you have good Engineering, a good Rep., and good products.”
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